For 28 years, in a run down pool below a mountain by the ocean, Snorri Magnússon, a pioneer of infant swimming, welcomes babies all day long, six days a week. The pool becomes a world of it’s own, where the sensory world of newborns is explored through sound, play and underwater experiences.
“Dive: rituals in water does more than document. Its close cinematography of the experience of infant swimming students and their parents reveal the deep humanity, sensitivity and empathy emanating from Magnusson.”
“A work of profound beauty and deep importance and
created with sublety and sensitivity, Dive: rituals in water reveals through stunning visuals and clever sound capture the filmmaker’s own sensitivity and depth of understanding.”
“Sometimes a documentary comes along with the potential to overturn beliefs, communicate life-changing knowledge, instill fresh values, inspire con dence, or restore hope. Dive: rituals in water does a little of each.”
Salem Film Fest (USA)
DOXA Documentary Film Festival (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Nordic International Film Festival New York (USA)
Beldocs, International Feature Documentary Film Festival (Belgrad, Serbia)
Sheffield Doc/Fest (Sheffield, UK)
Black Nights Film Festival Tallinn (Estonia)
Stronger than Fiction (Canberra, Australia)
Doqumenta (Mexico)
Cinemagic (Dublin, Ireland)
Hot Springs (USA)
Lubeck Nordische Filmtage (Germany)
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (Estonia)
Production and Technical Details:
Original title: KAF
Directors: Elín Hansdóttir, Hanna Björk Valsdóttir, Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir
Producer: Hanna Björk Valsdóttir, Akkeri Films
Co-producer: Sigurður Gísli Pálmason, Ground Control Production
Cinematography: Bergsteinn Björgúlfsson
Editors: Andri Steinn Guðjónsson, Þórunn Hafstað
Sound design: Björn Viktorsson
Music: Efterklang
Running length: 72 min & 56 min
Language: Icelandic & english, english subtitles
Screening format: DCP
Audio: 5.1 Dolby digital
All Inquires:
Hanna Björk Valsdóttir
Tel. +354 8493354
International Sales:
CAT&docs / Catherine Le Clef